RBSE 10th Copy Rechecking Result and Rechecking / Retotaling Result 2020 RAJASTHAN BOARD SECONDARY REVALUATION RESULT DATE & DOWNLOAD COPY
RBSE 10th Copy Rechecking Result, BSER / RBSE 12th Arts Copy Retotaling Form 2020 Rajasthan Board Ajmer 10th, RBSE 12th Commerce Retotaling Result 2020, 12th Arts Retotaling Result 2020, Copy Rechecking / Retotling/ Revaluation Form Date, RBSE 10th Copy Retotaling Result, 12th Science Retotaling Result 2020, Fee Apply Online at rajresults.nic.in. Candidates Apply RBSE Rechecking Form Online Copy Retotaling Form 2020 Date & time ( आरबीएसई राजस्थान रिचेकिंग फॉर्म 2020 ) for Ajmer Board Rajasthan 12th Arts, Commerce Retotaling Form online at @rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in. Students Also Check Below RBSE 10th Copy Rechecking Form Online Apply Start & last date and BSER 12th Science & Commerce Rechecking Subject Wise Fee Detail and Rajasthan Board 12th Rechecking Form Apply Official Link.
RBSE 10th Copy Rechecking Result Form 2020 Online Application
RBSE Recharging Form 2020 Dates, Fees – 10th or 12th Arts, Commerce, Science Retitling Form: – Students who are searching for latest update Rajasthan Board 10th copy re total or rechecking form 2020 date, fees, here they can get updates for this. This year 10th Class Exam Results 2020 was announced on 28 July 2020, and 12th Arts Exam Results 2020 was announced on 23 July 2020 and the board also opened the link for Ajmer Board Rechecking, Retotaling Form and RTI through The student applied to recheck his result. A lot of students failed in the Rajasthan Board 10th Class Examination, or they have to check their Answerbook, such students can download the copy by filling the form for Ajmer Board 10th Copy Rechecking 2020.
For copy Rechecking of class 12th, Rajasthan Board form can be applied only to those students who fail in only one or two subjects. If you are a student failing in one or two subjects and want to save one year, then you can apply for the Rajasthan Board 10th copy retotaling / rechecking online form 2020 before the last date.
RBSE 12th Arts Retotaling Result 2020 – Details
Name of Board |
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education |
Exam Type |
10th, 12th Class |
Apply Online Revaluation & Retotaling Result 2020
Click Here
Rajasthan Board Rechecking Exam Form Date |
Last Date is Over
Category |
Copy Recheck, Re-totaling Form |
Official Website |
Click Here
RBSE Ajmer Board 10th Copy Rechecking Result / Rechecking Result 2020
Rajasthan Board Ajmer invites online application for the rechecking of 10th Class or 12th Arts and commerce subjects. Students who are not satisfied with the result of 12th Arts Copy Rechecking, they can fill the 12th Political Science, History, Public Administration, Sociology, English, Hindi, Hindi Lite., English Lite., Drawing, Home Science, Computer, Geography, Economis, Etc. copy rechecking form online before the last date. The official 9 July 2020 BSER 12th rechecking form link has opened. Rajasthan Board 12th Arts copy has opened the rechecking link, so we update this page on the direct link. So students can click on link and pay subject wise fees to apply RBSE 10th Class and 12th Arts Copy Rechecking form.
Rajasthan Board Ajmer 10th Copy Rechecking fee 2020 details {per subject – Rs. “
- RBSE Rechecking / Retotaling fees may vary according to the students’ cast and subject. A subject or two. We will update Rajasthan Board 10th Copy Rechecking fee details after announcement by BSER. This year’s fee is Per Subject Rs 300/- and Late Fee per Subject Rs 600/-.
BSER 10th (Senior Secondary) Rechecking Form 2020 Process
The Rajasthan Board 10th Copy Rechecking Result / Revaluation form process has started on the official website. Recently, Rajasthan Board has declared 10th class result for all subjects on 28 July 2020. And the result of the subject of Arts will be declared on 28 July 2020 4:00 pm.
Now after the result is declared, many students are not satisfied with their marks in the board examination and want to apply for re-examination / revaluation. We have provided a direct link on an official website for them to fill the science rechecking form after the Rajasthan Board 10th and 12th, Science and Process officially started.
RBSE Board Latest update on July 2020:
Secondary Result are declared on 28 July 2020 and Science and Commerce results are declared on July 21, 2020, currently supplementary revolutions and rechecking forms have been released, only online process has been started by the board. You are informed that the rechecking form Direct update has been done, the students who want to get their copy checked, they can get their copy removed by clicking from the Rajasthan Board’s web web whose link is given below.
How to apply Ajmer Board 10th Rechecking / Review Application Form 2020?
- First of all, go to the official website of Rajasthan Board (you can click on the given link).
- Now, click on the new registration of Rajasthan Board / RBSE 12th revaluation form from the newsfeed.
RBSE 10th Copy Retotaling Step 1
- After that, in the given space, one by one, complete the complete information like name, father’s name, roll no, bank account, mobile no, and mail id correctly.
- After that, the list of topics will open, select the subject you want to recheck and click on the submit button.
- Now after that pay the required fee online.
- After filling all the asked details, check all the information correctly and click on submit button.
- Finally, keep the printout of your Rajasthan Board rechecking form receipt safe for further use.
- In addition, you will receive the SMS of the ID and password on your mobile and mail ID. Keep it safe in your mobile. In future, you will need to load your copy of those IDs and passwords.
- प्रत्येक परीक्षा ( उच्च माध्यमिक एवं माध्यमिक ) के परिणाम घोषणा के 05 दिवस में बिना विलम्ब शुल्क रु 300/- प्रति विषय व उसके पश्चात् अगले 03 दिवस में विलम्ब शुल्क सहित रूपये 600/- प्रति विषय ई-मित्र / अन्य विकल्प से जमा किये जा सकेंगे |
- सामान्य शुल्क के साथ पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि है 21/07/2020 और विलम्ब शुल्क के साथ पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि 27/07/2020 (For Class 12th Arts)
- यदि आप अपना पासवर्ड भूल गए हैं या लॉगिन करने में असमर्थ हैं, तो क्लिक करें Forgot Password, OTP जनरेट करने के लिए अपना पंजीकृत मोबाइल नंबर दर्ज करें। फिर अपना पासवर्ड रीसेट करें।
Online Result for Revaluation & Retotaling Form
- पूछताछ के लिए हमें फोन करें : +91-8824636405
- हमें पूछताछ के लिए मेल करें : bsebmark2020@gmail.com
- Click here for Scrutiny Form and Rules